the wildfires that havedevastated tennessee have continued over the past few daysand have continued to be deadly over time. more than 14,000 people havebeen forced to evacuate. that is a massive leapfrom just yesterday. the names of those diedhave not been released. it is an absolutely horrifyingsituation to face if you know people in that area. hopefully they willrelease the names soon.
at some point we can speculatewhy in the southeast might be having one of the worstdroughts in decades. there is some good news coming. investigators say the trail firewas human caused but don't have evidence to back it up. seven people have died, but itwas caused by humans supposedly. it looks like the mouth ofhell outside of it. at that point for all we knowthey might have
been [video buffering] whether it was caused by ahuman or if this was just the results of the environment,the reality is we are dealing with extreme weather conditionsthroughout the country. this part of tennessee isdealing with a drought and obviously we are here incalifornia. that exacerbates wildfiresand things like that. [video buffering] look, we aregoing to see more and more
of it. it could modifysome of our food. so i can withstand the climatechange we have created. ready to see more and more ofthis unless we are willing to get serious aboutclimate change. that is most certainly notgoing to come in at least four years. that video of them driving withthe fire on the road side is horrifying.
it could also beon both sides of the road. some people have been rescued. the search continues. we will continue to keep youinformed of the situation.