vape juice that tastes like weed

vape juice that tastes like weed

oh!, that doesn't smell good. chamomile, chamomile'sa flower and they use it in all sorts of stuff. that is a flower. they almost look like littledandelions. there is little mushrooms in there. it looks like sawdust and flowers. i am notgoing to lie, by the look of this stuff i am kind of nervous to inhale it. what doesit smell like? it smells like bath. like a bath? this is. a very peculiar smell. it kindof smells like urnine. okay dokie we load it. that does not smell like a bath anymore.ugh i really don't want to do this one. we gotta do it man. it's for the video.smellsgross. so you keep smelling it. she is like," ugh smells so gross!"like the back end isreally smooth but when i first vaped it, it kind of taste like wet dog. wow. wow thatwas a big cloud. how did that taste? wonderful.

i was kidding, it is not wonderful. so nextwe are going to try eucalyptus. don't be stingy on the eucalyptus. i am sorry man i am tryingto conserve this bomb ass eucalyptus. it is good for when you are sick. it cleans yoursinuses. got a stuff nose? vape some eucalyptus. it smells different. oh i burnt my nose! thattaste good! it is not too strong at all. it is a little bit minty. that is actually notbad. its not bad though, you know what. this with the peppermint, it probably would bereally nice. that would be really taste. its almost like a minty, its very refreshing.its got a little bit minty. yeah. its kind of minty. i can definitely feel it in my head.yeah like you get a little like. this is my favorite. by far. really? i like the peppermintbetter. f is for friends who do stuff together.

u is for you and me. n is for anywhere andanytime at all down here in the deep blue sea.