(upbeat music) - hi ladies, i brought the bagels for the book club this afternoon. - oh, of course you did. - morgan, i hope you'rebringing your famous blueberry muffins for thebake sale on thursday. - of course i am, but i'mgonna do them as cranberry because blueberries are out of season and i don't need pesticidesin all those kids.
- fine. so ladies, i'm looking for volunteers to bring juice boxes forthe car wash fund raiser. - oh, i'll bring some rawmilk, chia, hempseed smoothies. much healthier, no sugar. - sounds disgusting. - i'm gonna transcendthat comment right now. i've been meaning to tell you guys this morning arachnid saidhe didn't wan to nurse,
i think he's weaning. i don't think i'm ready for it. - isn't arachnid in third grade? - yeah. - you know what though, i've done a ton ofresearch on breastfeeding and actually in mostcountries it is totally common for moms not to wean untilsix, seven years old. i'm gonna send you guys all alink to doctor sear's website
because every parent shouldread what he's has to say. - oh god, we don't have a computer. no, we got her a typewriter. it's just really important to us that she's raised strictly authentic. like, she's only listened to vinyl, none of that mp3 processed stuff. - i'm here, i'm here. what day is it today?
(beep) oh my god, i locked my keys in my car. i'm here, i'm here. wait is it tuesday? is it soccer practice? no book club. oh, was it my day to bring the bagels? - no, no i've got the bagels. - oh thank god.
- but you have something on your shirt. - poop or chocolate, poop or chocolate? no one knows. chocolate. thank god, last time it was poop. oh, good protein though. you know what karen, you're a real bitch forbringing those bagels. you knew i was gonna forget 'em.
it's not my fault yourchild can't eat gluten.