my name is dr. andrew sos and i will tellyou shortly how to trim a bird's beak. first of all it is very important to point out thatif everything is normal you don't have to trim the beak of a bird because it will tearit away if proper food is given and the bird can chew, that is important for it. usuallythe need for the trimming of the beak will come out with parrots macows, probably cockatoosso those kind of birds which are not always getting the proper food and the proper amountof chewing material. in my hand this is an injured sparrow so this bird does not needthe trimming of the beak but you can see the shape of the beak is very similar to whatyou would see in a parrot or in a cockatoo so it is very important first to be familiarwith what is the normal shape of the beak
because that is what you are aiming at andyou would like to trim. but it is also very important if you get a bird which has an overgrownbeak or a misshaped beak, very often you cannot reach the exact shape of the original billbecause there is living an bleeding tissue on the overgrowing tissue so when you clipit always be sure that you have for example baking powder with you or any other kind ofmaterial which can stop bleeding and call the veterinarian if you get a crack. the otherimportant thing is if you have a bird which has an overgrown or a misshaped beak alwayscheck what can be the problem behind it because this can be for example an unofficial problemor it can be an any kind of internal organ problem for example a liver problem whichcaused this deformity. so the most important
thing is to think in complex and not justthe trimming of the beak.