a growing number of people in korea are choosinga minimalist lifestyle. the new trend is possibly a strong reactionto the prevailing tendency toward excessive consumption in korean society. hwang ho-jun explains why less is more. many working women come home at the end ofthe day only to spend their free time on household chores. that's why this teacher, wife, mother anddog owner decided to get rid of everything but the essentials in her home. she started with the piles of clothes shehad not been wearing for years, then moved
on to her flowerpots and the rest. in just one month, she was able to get ridof about 500 items that she either tossed, donated or gave away. now, it's been three years, and she says she'sfound happiness from getting rid of useless items and focusing more on things she caresabout. "my criteria for happiness have changed. before, i wanted to own everything other peoplehad and found happiness in buying new things. now, i like sharing." this year, tens of thousands of koreans havejoined in the movement to declutter their
homes and live a more minimalist lifestyle. one online community devoted to declutteringhas over 45-thousand registered users, and more books on the subject are being published. experts say the trend seems like an effortto find an alternative to the tendency toward excessive consumption, with more people thinkingabout the idea of responsible consumption. "it seems as though we are moving from anera of luxury to one of value. it's a combination of self-reflection on consumerismand an emphasis on various methods of ethical consumption." although many people remain skeptical thatthe trend will seep into the mainstream, it
has already encouraged more people to paretheir belongings so they can focus on finding new ways to bring meaning and happiness intotheir lives. hwang ho-jun, arirang news.