hi. i'm ann myrick. and today i'm going toshow you how to recognize minimalist style. i am in a small living room, and the styleis more a very clean, a very de-cluttered style. it tends to be using contemporary pieces.and well, minimalist can really be any style. you think of it when it's modern or contemporary,but you really can have a shabby chic house that is shabby chic, but it's minimalist alsoin that there's just not a lot of stuff out. but i tend to think of minimalist being contemporaryor modern. and i'm going to show you just ways as you see different styles, you'll knowwhat they are. as far as minimalist, great table with one piece on it would be more ofa minimal style. the lamp with the books and the accessories, that, i would tend to cleanthat up. if somebody said, "make that minimal",
i would tend to take this and just have thatstyle. and i would also, a lot of times, and these are just little things. on a traditionalor on a cottage house, a lot of times, you might see just the books where they're justkind of scattered like that. but minimal is more just straight-lined, straight forward.and so, with a minimal look, you're going to just straighten it up and have it veryclean. ways to put down your furniture- on a minimal look, you're not going to have alot of furniture. it's going to be very clean. like in this situation, we could take awaythese two pieces. i love using these little chests, because it allows you to use it asa table, but if you wanted to go real minimal. and what i would do just to warm it up a tad,because it's a little cold by the way it looks
right now, so i would just put a little bitof; a modern look has a lot of texture to it, so i would just put a little bit of textureto it. this is ann myrick. and these are different ways to recognize a minimalist style.