it's one of those jobs that seems made up. i make fake limbs for animals ofany breed. turtle, deer, goat, sheep, llama - you name it, i've done it. you know, there's not many people that do what i do and sometimes it's a lot on my shoulders. you're looking at one of three baby pitbulls to be found near some railroad tracks... derrick: i got this call about a dog, hudson.
and hudson was one of those more extreme challenges. a guy pinned him to railroad tracks and left him for dead. richard: when hudson was found, he was in such rough shape that they really didn't think he would survive the ride to the shelter. once i adopted him and brought him home he would have nightmares. with what happened to him it's hard for him to be able to trust anyone.
i knew something had to change for him. derrick: when i got the call, i said, 'i have to help this dog walk again.' i had to create something that no one's ever created before. i created about five different versions of prosthetics. and i'm like 'fail fail fail'. plastics, like we use here, allow us to experiment and i can do things that i wouldn't be able to do with other materials.
i made this new prosthetic. i said 'just please work, i want this to work so bad'. alright, let's give it a whirl. alright, okay... you cross your fingers every time you fit a prosthesis. richard: good boy. derrick: it was just one of those miracle moments. richard: it was like a whole new hudson. he was like, 'i'm free'.
there we are! ready? you ready? he's a thriving dog now and he has a purpose in life to help others.
i think his faith in humanity was finally restored.