reported and no buildings have been damaged. babies are vulnerable there's no debating they need constant care. even baby eagles, hawks and ospreys. right now the audubon society bird of prey service is in a
campaign to feather its nest with contributions because it's bursting at the seams with injured baby birds. dave mcdaniel gives us an up-close look. this is one of the ambassador birds at the audubon society. this is a busy time for this
organization. it's baby season. and often a bunch of babies get hurt. they're so skinny basically feather and bones. at times baby birds will try to spread their wings before they're ready.
last year we had a record year of 717 patients come through our center and the mra ma jort is in spring season. spring season means baby birds of prey, eagles, all the hunting birds, at times find themselves tumbling from the nests and the ground isn't very
forgiving. they may jump and fall out of the nest and get displaced so we work to reunite them with families. all of it drains resources. the cost of food and medical treatment especially if they need veterinarians and things
like that. we have so many patients at this time. audubon is donation supported. corporations, foundations and everyday folks. the past few years have seen record after record for birds
needing care. some birds are in such physical shape they'll always be here on display but getting babies back to the wild takes time and cash. some of our patients need to be fed four times daily. that requires a lot of resources.
a lot of food. a lot of laundry. a lot of preparation. you want to help out the aud adone society you can -- audubon society you can link to their site through wesh.com and they're always looking for