care of parrots

care of parrots

in this clip we will show you how to trimallister's wings. you do want to have your bird's wings trimmed so that they are notable to fly around the house and injure themselves and also so they can't fly out an open windowor an open door that may be left open. you gently hold his wing and firmly pull it only want to trim the longest feathers and i pick one individual feather at a do need to look and make sure there is not a blood feather, that this area is clear.if there's a blood feather and a blood supply in there, you don't want to cut it and thatwill appear to be bluish purple. those do not want to get, you don't want to cut we will start by separating one feather out at a time and clip and that way the presentationof the wing on the opposite side will look

nice cause you can see on the outside, itwill keep all these little feathers intact so that's why we just do one at a time anddon't trim straight across because you ruin the appearance of the outer feathers. andthis is so they won't be flying around and hurt themselves, ceiling fans, open windows,open doors, things like that. this does not hurt the bird what so ever, it would be justlike trimming nails. and he does not mind having his wing held out, he is used to this.and it is something you may want to do, just to hold the wing out and have them used tothat before you even start trimming them just so they are used to having them handled. trimabout a third of the feathers, you don't want to trim past the bend in the wing, you wantto make sure that if they were to fly off

their perch or their cage that they have somesupport when they fly so they don't just crash to the ground. and that's how it will lookwhen it is finished. you can always touch up if needed.