la la la la la la hey bon journo everybody.i'm so happy to see you. today we going to be making an abv tincture recipe. what youare going to need is, a blender, a cheese cloth, one jar, something to store your tincin, your vaped bud, i would recommend an ounce or more but i have used less, and a high proofalcohol. remember everybody to grind your abvas finely as possible, so you get the mostcannabinoids out of it. start by dumping your abv and high proof alcohol into a blender.remember, mix it well, stirring, stirring, stirring. la la la la la la. blend in shortburst for a couple of seconds at a time. alright, now that we have mixed all of the ingredients,at this point, if you wish you could strain in through your cheese cloth and be done,but if you wait and have some patiences, it
can be much much stronger. i recommend youpour you tincture sludge into another jar. seal it and store it in a cold dark placelike my mother in laws heart. save it for two weeks! alright director hit the montagesequence. lalalalalalala! and now that two weeks have past, we are goingto want to strain the abv with the cheese cloth into the clean jar. mmm smells a good.i'm fine, achu! this will insure all the active chemicals have been absorbed by the alcohol.ok, slowly pour it into the cheese cloth, oops! i have a little tincture in my puppethands. and voila! store your tincture in a cold dark place. always remember ladies andgentlemen, slowly increase your dosage over time. this stuff can be really potent. thankyou for watching and we will see you next
time. are derchi, thank you so much for watchingabv recipes and feel free to comment below or share your comments and thoughts.