hi and welcome to another zamnesia review. today we have the da vinci for you. and the da vinci comes in three colors. black, white and this shade of grey. i think it looks like a portable walkie-talkie if you ask me. it's very light, and it feels very comfortable in your hands. the da vinci comes with a mouthpiece some mash screens.
a neat sticker these two cilinders or canisters. manuals in different languages. a charger. and of course the da vinci itself. these cannisters or cilinders, uh... can be used for oil. just open it up, and put your oil in there and uh... and vaporize your oil with it.
if you open the da vinci up by pushing the button upwards. you will find the heating chamber, where you can put your herbs in. there is also this little cleaning tool or brush. and if you pull this rubber which is down here, it'll open up a stash box. now, let's prepare the da vinci for use.
i got the da vinci here. our own grinder some medical cannabis those two cilinders which i talked to you about. and a piece of folded paper. first i am going to grind up, some cannabis. so i got some, nice cannabis here.
that should be enough. now let's put it on a folded piece of paper. and as you can see. cause it is easier to pour in. you open up the da vinci. and then you just put herbs or your cannabis, right in there. make sure you don't pack it
too full though. you can use your finger a little, to push it in there. once you've done that, turn it on set your temperature. and wait for it to turn green. once it is green. you can vaporize. oh.. and by the way,
when you are trying to vaporize oils. put your oils inside this canister. and put it in the heating chamber. then you can vaporize your oils. it's a real nice dense smoke and a really nice flavour.